Pride is one of the ugliest things about sinful human nature. Disciples are invited to a different framework modeled by Jesus and marked by humility. This radical view calls us to completely die to self. When my identity, security, and vitality are sourced in Jesus, then I am free to gladly give myself to others.
Gentleness is best understood and displayed in the life of Jesus. This week, we observed how Jesus demonstrated a life of gentleness in what He taught, and in the way He interacted with people.
We are told God is faithful, but when things are not going our way it makes us wonder if God sees or cares about our lives. In those moments, we can choose to either blame God for a bad situation, or trust that God not only sees, but also has our best interest at heart.
Pastor Jimmy examines Isaiah 53 and the kindness God demonstrated to humanity by choosing to “crush” Jesus in order to reconcile us to Him. As you begin to implement the virtues of kindness and goodness in your life, they must flow out of the kindness God has demonstrated to you.
Sharing My Faith - BEV
All believers are called to share their faith with others. We can do that through how we live our lives and by the words that we use as we are His “ambassadors” in the world.
Spiritual Gifts
The Holy Spirit gives gifts to every believer for the purpose of building God’s kingdom on earth. We do not all have the same gift. In unity we are to celebrate the giftedness of others and work together to accomplish God’s will on the earth.
Total Surrender
If single-mindedness is the discipline of desiring God above all, then total surrender is the obedience consistent with that mindset. Surrender is not passive and it doesn’t happen by accident. Jesus’ invitation is to pick up a cross and follow Him daily.
The practice of single-mindedness is about setting priorities. This involves putting our past decisions and actions behind us. We must have a laser focus on Jesus and becoming like Him and then all of life flows out of that.
Throughout Scripture, believers in God are instructed to worship him. We can worship God from our hearts through every single breath, expression, thought and activity of our lives. Doing this habitually will surely lead us closer to the great and gracious God of the universe.
God is the owner of everything we have and everything we are. When we come to faith in Christ, we turn over everything to him. God then turns to us and invites us to manage all these things according to his purposes.
We were made in the very image of God with the express purpose of living in perfect community with God on earth. Adam and Eve rejected that vision and introduced death and separation from God, but God loves us and wants us back. Forgiveness and salvation is available to all who will receive them in Christ Jesus.
The Church
After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension back to the Father, God created the church. The church is empowered by the Holy Spirit and God’s primary plan for the church is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to all nations until Jesus comes again.
“A true understanding of God’s grace will always cause someone to desire to do justice.”
- Jimmy Carroll