
JCF partners with nonprofits that tangibly address the myriad issues impacting the unhoused through love and justice. 


JCF’s desire is to work synergistically with nonprofit partners to ensure that unhoused people in greater Wake County experience God's grace and compassion through tangible acts.

Objective Overview

JCF will partner with organizations that focus on issues impacting the unhoused in Raleigh and greater Wake County through tangible needs. These needs could include, but are not limited to, shelter, food insecurity, human trafficking, substance abuse, clothing, education, employment sustainability, and physical and mental health. JCF partners will disperse these practical gifts with dignity and care, valuing each individual as God’s masterpiece. 

Values & Priorities

Visibility - Intentionally look for the needs and listen to the hearts of unhoused people 

We will meet with local authorities and relevant nonprofits in Wake County over the next two years to determine what is taking place and where the greatest needs still exist for those who are unhoused and overlooked.

Acknowledgement - Identify and take responsibility for the social disparity that exists among all people

Understanding that disparity exists, we will take responsibility for the disparity that we identify by appointing a team member over each area who will be responsible for developing a plan to meet those needs.

Longevity - Immersively stay in the lives of the unhoused

We plan to partner with organizations that have a plan to bring those in their care to a place of sustainability, out of their desperate conditions, or help them manage in the best way possible considering their situations. This requires long-term stability, therefore we will not develop partnerships that we are not committed to for at least five years.

Self Work - Grow in our own understanding

We are committed to the ongoing development and awareness of our own social identities. We understand these identities shape how we see the world, how we see others, and how others see us.

Equity - Promote parity among all people regardless of class, gender, age, orientation, or race

We plan to meet with those in government, education, the health care system, etc. that are able to make decisions as they relate to the equality of status and recognition of those whom we serve.

Dignity - Embrace the physical and emotional needs of unhoused people

Our plan is to interact and care for people in a way that demonstrates partnership and respect. Our goal is for each person and groups of people that we serve to understand that they are valuable and worthy of our time, attention, and love.

Open-Mindedness - Extend unprejudiced love to all people

We believe we cannot influence those that do not feel accepted unconditionally by us. We will serve all people, regardless of class, gender, age, orientation, or race.

Remembering Jimmy Carroll

“A true understanding of God’s grace will always cause someone to desire to do justice.”

- Jimmy Carroll