08 - RETHINKING CHURCH Dani Fairhurst 08 - RETHINKING CHURCH Dani Fairhurst

Unity in the Church


Jesus founded the Church to accomplish a mission, but He was concerned that the Church would become fractured and divided. Disciples of Jesus must vigilantly guard against secondary purposes, principles, and practices. Unity is essential to victory.

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07 - I AM Dani Fairhurst 07 - I AM Dani Fairhurst

I Am Who I Am


In this message Pastor Jimmy will be examining Jesus’s statement of, “Before Abraham was, I am”, which can translate to, “I am who I am”. He wasn’t making a claim to age or stature, but to his deity and what that means.

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07 - I AM Dani Fairhurst 07 - I AM Dani Fairhurst

Jesus is Enough


In this message Pastor Jimmy will be looking at the Scriptures that express that Jesus is enough for all of us, and that we can find complete satisfaction in him.

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07 - I AM Dani Fairhurst 07 - I AM Dani Fairhurst

Called out of Darkness


Our world was and still is spiritually dark. Jesus saw the darkness of the world and He came to overcome the darkness. He has called us out of the darkness and into light through a relationship with the Father. We then get to take that same light back into a dark world to share it with others.

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07 - I AM Dani Fairhurst 07 - I AM Dani Fairhurst

The Protector and Provider


In John 10, Jesus uses the imagery of a sheep and a shepherd to illustrate how He is the great protector and provider for His followers. Following Jesus doesn’t guarantee that your life will be perfect or pain free, but the best place you can be is at the feet of the Good Shepherd.

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07 - I AM Dani Fairhurst 07 - I AM Dani Fairhurst

The Resurrection and the Life


The resurrection of Jesus Christ separates Christianity from all other religions. All other religions can point to a founding father and even point to his grave, but we can point to an empty tomb and say, our Founder is alive. Because of the resurrection, we have life to the fullest now. Real purpose. A new identity and mission and a promised future.

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07 - I AM Dani Fairhurst 07 - I AM Dani Fairhurst

The Only Way to God


One of the boldest “I Am” statements that Jesus makes about himself is that He is, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” We can’t be good enough to get to God or earn salvation. It is only through the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for us that we have that opportunity.

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07 - I AM Dani Fairhurst 07 - I AM Dani Fairhurst

I Am the True Vine


In John 15 Jesus uses the imagery of a vine and fruit to illustrate how living a life surrendered to Jesus, in turn, produces fruit in our lives as His disciples. Apart from Him, we life selfish lives, not making more disciples, as Jesus commanded us to do.

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06 - MIRACLES Dani Fairhurst 06 - MIRACLES Dani Fairhurst

Turning Water Into Wine


Pastor Jimmy dives into Jesus’ miracle on turning water into wine, and how it reflects how Jesus replaced our old lives with something better. For some of us, we’ve found that ultimately Jesus’ plans for our lives are better than anything we could ever imagine.

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05 - FACETIME Dani Fairhurst 05 - FACETIME Dani Fairhurst

Overwhelmed By Jesus


Familiarity can brew contempt and complacency. As disciples, we we can’t lose sight of Jesus’s beauty, or what he has done for us. We have to learn how to stay overwhelmed by him.

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“A true understanding of God’s grace will always cause someone to desire to do justice.”

- Jimmy Carroll