10 - IDOL FACTORY Dani Fairhurst 10 - IDOL FACTORY Dani Fairhurst

Heart Problems


Our hearts, shaped primarily through our habits, practices, and behaviors, were designed to be the wellspring for our worship to God. The problem is that sometimes our hearts go rogue.

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10 - IDOL FACTORY Dani Fairhurst 10 - IDOL FACTORY Dani Fairhurst

Piling up Possessions


The desire for more, bigger, better, newer, or faster is like the cultural air we breathe. But what if there was a way to own stuff and have peace at the same time? The secret, according to Jesus, is in learning how to possess without being possessed.

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10 - IDOL FACTORY Dani Fairhurst 10 - IDOL FACTORY Dani Fairhurst

Preference for Power


Nobody wants to be weak or vulnerable. That’s why power, and all it promises, looks so attractive. Power says you can get your way; you can have control over your life and circumstances. The biggest problem with this worldview is Jesus, the most influential man in history, who sees power differently. Perhaps His life has something to teach us all about what power really looks like.

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10 - IDOL FACTORY Dani Fairhurst 10 - IDOL FACTORY Dani Fairhurst

Preoccupied with Position


It’s natural to wonder if we are good enough. Unfortunately, most of us don’t know how to alleviate our concerns without comparing ourselves to others. That’s why we get stuck spending our whole lives in an imaginary competition with the people around us. For those looking to get off the comparison treadmill, Jesus had some radical ideas that may just result in the fullness of life.

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“A true understanding of God’s grace will always cause someone to desire to do justice.”

- Jimmy Carroll