09 - STEP IN Dani Fairhurst 09 - STEP IN Dani Fairhurst

Who Am I?


Few questions are more profound than those which cause us to consider our identity. Perhaps it’s because our answer, however we answer, goes a long way in determining how we live our lives, which ultimately shapes who we end up becoming. If that’s true, then the most important question of all may just be: Who or what gets to tell me who I am?

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09 - STEP IN Dani Fairhurst 09 - STEP IN Dani Fairhurst

Awareness and Appreciation


Have you ever given someone a thoughtful gift only to be met with a reaction of entitlement or thanklessness? If so, then you know that how a person receives a gift says a lot about their heart and view of themselves. Once we understand how truly incredible the gift of Jesus is, we won’t be able to contain the appropriate response.

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09 - STEP IN Dani Fairhurst 09 - STEP IN Dani Fairhurst

Religious Obligation vs. Responsive Obedience


“Work harder” might be good advice when it comes to your career, but it’s a terrible strategy for following Jesus. The danger with putting all of the emphasis on our effort and activity is that we tend to lose the plot, and end up with something that doesn’t look at all like our Leader.

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09 - STEP IN Dani Fairhurst 09 - STEP IN Dani Fairhurst

A More Perfect Union


Two thousand years ago, Paul reimagined what relationships in the home could look like in light of Jesus and it changed the world. The model of self-giving love has the power to transform anybody’s relationship, even yours.

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09 - STEP IN Dani Fairhurst 09 - STEP IN Dani Fairhurst

Behind Enemy Lines


The importance of Paul’s advice to walk worthy of our calling cannot be fully appreciated until we account for the fact that we have an enemy with a vested interest in seeing us fail and fall. Fortunately, we don’t have to fail or fall because we have been given everything we need to be faithful and victorious.

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“A true understanding of God’s grace will always cause someone to desire to do justice.”

- Jimmy Carroll