Before You Begin Walking by Faith
When it comes to following Jesus, we all know that faith is a central theme. Most of us want to grow in our faith, have more faith, and live by faith. But what exactly does that mean? It’s often difficult to work out the mysterious and counterintuitive life beyond sight in the everyday realities of lives. Join us this week as we explore the critical posture that precedes every move of faith.
Responsive Obedience
The life of faith is characterized by responsive obedience. This, of course, begs a question: how do I learn to hear so I can respond? Often, the problem is not God’s silence, but our inability to recognize His voice. If we find that we are inexperienced listeners, then we must learn how to turn up the relational volume. In Week 2 of Beyond Sight that’s exactly what we’ll help you do.
Moving Past Fear
We've discussed in this series that God is inviting you to join Him in an adventure that will take you places you have never been. We often miss out on the adventure though because of fear of the unknown. We can either say “yes” by faith or “no” because of fear. This message is a challenge to move past your fears and take a step to what Jesus is calling you to.
“A true understanding of God’s grace will always cause someone to desire to do justice.”
- Jimmy Carroll