05 - FACETIME Dani Fairhurst 05 - FACETIME Dani Fairhurst

Overwhelmed By Jesus


Familiarity can brew contempt and complacency. As disciples, we we can’t lose sight of Jesus’s beauty, or what he has done for us. We have to learn how to stay overwhelmed by him.

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05 - FACETIME Dani Fairhurst 05 - FACETIME Dani Fairhurst

Being Watchful of Idols


As disciples of Jesus we have to guard our hearts from idols that seek to take our focus from Him. In the end, what you worship will determine what you are truly following. Is it Jesus? Or are you pursuing something else in your life for fulfillment?

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05 - FACETIME Dani Fairhurst 05 - FACETIME Dani Fairhurst

Grace and Truth


Jesus was full of grace and truth in every situation. Living out a life that is full of grace and truth can be messy and uncomfortable but as a church we are called to be both. The tension between grace and truth can be messy but we can learn from Jesus’ interaction with the adulterous woman.

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“A true understanding of God’s grace will always cause someone to desire to do justice.”

- Jimmy Carroll