Explore God
By and large, people are not rejecting the concept of God’s existence in our culture, they are rejecting organized religion and the institution of the church, particularly Christianity. People have found the God they inherited from Christianity to be unable to withstand the rigors of the real world and of adult life, but the truth is that many of us learned versions of God that are false versions or at best incomplete versions of who He is. Just because this version of God doesn’t exist doesn’t mean that God doesn’t exist.
You may find yourself disappointed with God and/or your circumstances. We just don't have the mental and spiritual capacity to comprehend the meaning of all the circumstances of our lives. At the end of the day, it's a choice of trust or despair. Are you going to trust the God who loves us, who's in control, who wants to deepen our faith or are you going to live a life of despair over questions that you can't answer?
In a world that increasingly sees the Bible as unreliable, and even ridiculous, we must recapture the essence of its core message. Jesus is the central figure, and the resurrection is the central moment. You may have a lot of questions about the Bible, but at the end of the day, none of those things are central or relevant to the question of: what do you do with Jesus?
Most people would say, “I believe God exists, but I don’t know who He is, what He is like, or how to interact with Him in my life.” The goal, as we close out this series, is to introduce you to God and help you learn how to identify and recognize Him in our daily lives and then respond to Him in every way.