In our day, God is always speaking, acting, and working. If that is true, then why do we struggle to hear Him? Sometimes it is the fact we are consumed with self, sometimes it is the noise of all the voices around us, and sometimes it is because we refuse to own up to our sin and walk away from it. Whatever the reason, it does not change the character and nature of God. God desires to speak to us and has given us the Holy Spirit to speak truth to us and through us.
We have learned that the Holy Spirit is our power source for not only living the life of a follower of Jesus but also for clearly hearing the voice of God. This past weekend, Pastor Jimmy worked to get extremely practical in how to enhance your intimacy and clarity when it comes to hearing the voice of God in your life.
In the first three weeks of this series, we have learned how to recognize, clarify, and respond to the voice of God through the Holy Spirit. But what if, after intentionally engaging and listening, there is still a lack of clarity, what do you do?